I heard a story about a certain man who spent his life savings on a Boat Cruise Ticket. During meal times the man would go in a corner and eat cheese and crackers while everyone else went to the restaurant. On the last day, a fellow passenger asked him why they never saw him during meal times and the man admitted (a bit embarrassed) that he could not afford the meals as he had spent his life savings on the ticket alone and did not have much money left over. The fellow passenger was shocked but the man was shocked even more to find out that the meals were part of the cruise package! So all along this man was starving himself while his meals had already been paid for!

The Bible says “Ye are bought with a price…” 1Corinthians7:23. The price for us has been paid in full! John3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” By virtue of our believing, everlasting life has been credited to our “account”! The word life in the Greek is zoe {dzo-ay'} which means the absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical, which belongs to God(see http://www.thewordsofeternallife.com/eternal_life.html for more about everlasting life). This means we are supposed to have fullness of life!
Are you struggling in one area or the other in your life! Always remember everlasting life, fullness of life- health, wealth, peace –the total package is yours! Embrace it!
Stay Blessed!
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